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Newest Listings in China Business Directory :

Company Name: Shenzhen Risingstar Outdoor High Light LCD Co., Ltd
Contact name: Rising Star
City: Shenzhen
Address: 10 Floor, Building H, Chuangxinyungu Industrial Park, Lisonglang Village, Gongming Street, Guangming District, ShenZhen, China.
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Contact Tel: +86 75523247140
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Services offered : Shopping, Electronics, Electronics
Description of services: Rising LCD offers advanced high brightness displays for exceptional visibility in all environments. Explore our cutting-edge solutions designed for various industries to enhance visual clarity and performance.

Company Name: Hangzhou EKKO Auto Rubber Parts Co., Ltd
Contact name: Ekko Rubber
City: Shanghai
Address: No.1 Taipingqiao Shanghu,Yuhang City, Hangzhou, China
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Services offered : Vehicle Accessories
Description of services: Ekko Rubber, established in 2001, is one of the professional manufacturers of automotive rubber parts in China. As a leading auto parts manufacturer and seller, we deliver high-quality, durable components, meeting global automotive demands across 30 countries specializing in both OEM and aftermarket parts.

Company Name: Shenzhen Hangzhi Precision Electronics Co., Ltd
Contact name: leon
City: Shenzhen
Address: Room 330, Building B, Huayuan Hi-tech Pioneer Park, Baoyuan Rd, Bao An District, ShenZhen, Guangdong Province, China
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Contact Tel: +8675582593440
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Services offered : Electronics, Industrial Supplies, Electrical Wholesale
Description of services: Shenzhen Hangzhi Precision Electronics Co., Ltd was founded in October 2017. Hangzhi located in Shenzhen, design and manufacture a wide range of high precision AC DC current transducers, voltage transducers and testers to meet the needs of different industries, such as medical, railway, renewable energy, EV/HEV charging stand and calibration & testing etc.

Our products are based on fluxgate technology and have the characteristics of high precision, low zero drift, low temperature drift and full range.